Spotting Election Misinformation and Understanding Motivations Behind How and Why It Spreads

Tuesday, October 255:00—6:00 PMOff-SiteIndian Valley Public Library100 E. Church Ave, Telford, PA, 18969

Virtual Program

We need to move beyond the unhelpful term “fake news” to more precisely identify the common types of misleading, inaccurate and false information that we are likely to encounter in the run-up to the elections.  We will discuss motivations behind different types of propagators of misinformation and learn fact-checking basics to feel more confident that we will be sharing and acting on accurate, credible information.  By having a deeper understanding of misinformation, we can become less susceptible to it and more likely to prioritize reliable, verified sources of news and information. 

Registration required.  Register for this program by clicking here.

This webinar is the second installment of a three-part series, brought to you by The News Literacy Project.  This session is presented in partnership with the League of Women Voters.   To learn more about election misinformation, please visit our website:

The News Literacy Project is a nonpartisan national education nonprofit.

*****This virtual program is not sponsored by IVPL*****

Registration Required