Virtual - Is Your Life in Balance?

Thursday, July 166:00—7:00 PMZoomIndian Valley Public Library100 E. Church Ave, Telford, PA, 18969

We’ve all heard how important it is for us to create a life of balance. But what does that mean? And is balance really possible? In this one-hour Zoom discussion, Certified Life Coach Hélène T. Stelian will propose her take on life balance, then we’ll use breakout rooms to share our situations and voice our intentions. Come and learn what action step you might choose to take in order to increase your life satisfaction!
  Note: A short exercise that helps participants assess their own life balance will be sent along with the Zoom information, after registration. Please complete this exercise BEFORE joining the meeting. Print out the form here: 

  Hélène Tragos Stelian is a certified life coach, speaker, and author. 

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